Mental Health Improvement through Community Colleges

Improving access to evidence-based mental health care for individuals attending community colleges across Michigan

Mental Health Improvement through Community Colleges

Improving access to evidence-based mental health care for individuals attending community colleges across Michigan


Assess Needs and Identify Evidence-based Solutions

We partner with community college providers, decision-makers, and students to assess current gaps in mental health access for students and help colleges identify evidence-based interventions and strategies to bridge these gaps.

Student Needs
and Access >

Student Needs and Access

Nearly half of community college students report clinically significant symptoms of a mental health disorder but a majority struggle to connect with mental health services. Treatment gaps are largest for minoritized and low-income students.

Mental Health Workforce Challenges >

Mental Health Workforce Challenges

Access to community-based mental health counseling in Michigan is limited by a statewide shortage of mental health providers. This shortage is most acute for those residents with public insurance or no insurance.

Community College Capacity >

Community College Capacity

Relative to four-year institutions, community colleges often lack dedicated mental health providers, programming, and capacity for expanding mental health services. Many community college mental health counselors perform multiple, key roles (e.g., academic advising) and many colleges lack funds to shore up personnel.

Innovative, Cost-effective Solutions >

Innovative, Cost-effective Solutions

With growing mental health needs, Michigan community colleges need innovative, cost-effective solutions for improving student mental health access that are effective, appropriate for their context, and not overly burdensome.


Community Colleges Make Education Accessible…

Community colleges have lower costs, more flexible classes, and are often closer to home than 4-year colleges and universities. They are key drivers of social mobility and serve diverse student populations. 62% of full-time community college students are employed, and 29% are first-generation college students.

…But Not Necessarily Mental Health

Nearly half of community college students report symptoms of a mental health disorder, and the majority of these disorders go untreated. Unaddressed mental health concerns contribute to poorer academic outcomes and also impact student retention, future earnings, and long term health outcomes. Our mission is to work with community colleges to determine how to most effectively support the mental health needs of community college students.


Learn More About Our Study Team

We partner with community college staff and students to assess current gaps in mental health access and identify acceptable evidence-based interventions to fill these gaps.

  • Shawna Smith, PhD

    University of Michigan

    Faculty Investigator

  • Sara Abelson, PhD

    Temple University

    Faculty Investigator

  • Michael Rubyan, PhD, MPH

    University of Michigan

    Faculty Investigator

  • Seo Youn Choi, PhD

    University of Michigan

    Data Analyst

  • Amy Rusch, MPH

    University of Michigan

    Doctoral Student

  • Alex Ammann, MPH

    University of Michigan

    Project Manager

  • Kyle Terry, MPH

    University of Michigan

    Research Assistant

  • Kendall Mosher

    University of Michigan

    Research Assistant

  • Nina Chen, MSI

    University of Michigan

    Web Designer

  • Timothy Mayer

    University of Michigan

    Research Assistant

  • Sarah Kim

    University of Michigan

    Research Assistant


Work with Us to Make an Impact

We partner with community college staff and students to assess current gaps in mental
health access and identify acceptable evidence-based interventions to fill these gaps.

Tell Us About Student Mental Health Needs

Earn $20 telling our research team about mental health services at your school and how they might be improved through a 60 minute virtual focus group or interview. Interested? Please fill out this form or email

Join Our Student Advisory Board

The MHICC team hosts a student advisory board to ensure student priorities and needs are centered in this work. The student perspective is essential to our ongoing mission, and we want your direct involvement in our research. If you are passionate about improving mental health for community college students, please fill out this form or email

Become a MHICC Navigator

MHICC also partners with student “navigators” at Michigan community colleges who help to share our materials with their fellow community college students and connect us with partner organizations. If you are interested in being a MHICC Navigator for your college, please fill out this form or email

Follow Us On Social Media

To receive continued updates on the progress of MHICC, follow our Instagram at @mentalhealth_cc.

Participate in the Healthy Minds Study

The MHICC team is fortunate to have a partnership with the Healthy Minds Study, through which we are able to offer the opportunity to participate in the Healthy Minds Study free of charge. If you are interested in participating in the Healthy Minds Study or would like more information, please fill out this form or email


Supporting Our Mission to Make a Difference

This project was supported by funds from the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services through the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, the Michigan Health Endowment Fund, IMPACT Center at the University of Washington, the Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation of Michigan, and the John G. Searle Professorship at the University of Michigan School of Public Health.


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